Sunday, March 2, 2014

my lately list

steph from Pixels & Playbooks made this + encouraged her readers to post! then becca from just becca sue tagged me to complete the same list. so check it out.

lately i’ve been:
COOKING in my new kitchen! love cooking anything cause clean up is easy -  can someone say dishwasher!
SIPPING tea. hot + iced.
READING baby books galore! baby names, what to buy baby, pregnancy week by week, etc! 
LISTENING to "the voice" (i love shakira) without seeing their faces to see who i would pick if i was a judge. it's tricky! try it!
WANTING to go out of the country before tiny baby harps comes!
WATCHING house of cards, season 2.
WAITING for march 7 to be in portland with my love for a solid weekend.
ATTEMPTING to figure out my passions + pursue them fully.
LIKING the rain!
HOPING labor is smooth (fingers crossed!).
NEEDING the few boxes we have left to unpack themselves!
TRYING to walk everyday. epic fail lately.
WEARING hunter boots! only every once in a while do i get to bust these out.
LOVING avocado toast. every morning.
PLANNING for retirement. jk. our upcoming busy season before baby harps arrives!
MISSING my college girlfriends. reunion soon?
MAKING our house a home. it's so cozy + lovely.
NOTICING this baby bump growing!
FEELING emotional in this season. it's crazy to think it will just be me + trav for less than 4 months.
LAUGHING at my sweet 3 year old niece london who performed "frozen" soundtrack all weekend long.
ADMIRING moms. just in general. my mom, my mom's friends, my friends who are becoming moms. i admire ya'll.
BUYING maternity clothes from asos. ya'll need to get on this train (not the pregnant train, getting gems from asos.)
CRAVING pineapple + grilled cheese. not together though.
DISLIKING all the travel my love travy is doing lately. sleepovers anyone?!
FOLLOWING some of shauna's advice about pursing the things we love. read this post she wrote about it.
FEELING  a little anxious. pretty excited. sometimes scared. kinda emotional. but mostly H A P P Y!
i’d love to know your LATELY LIST! copy this list and post it on your blog, Instagram or Facebook + leave me a link below.


stephvilladavis said...

I just know you are loving prepping for your sweet baby to arrive. What a precious time!

Darien Faith said...

ASOS maternity clothes are so great! I just love their site in general. I love your list!